"Interactive Encounters"

A village situated in the outskirts of Kohima, Naga Heritage Village in Kisama seeks to preserve and promote the culture and traditions of the Naga people. The name Kisama itself is an amalgamation of two Naga villages, namely, Kigwema (KI) and Phesama(SA) and MA (Village). The government constructed the village to imitate the traditional Naga villages and tribal livelihoods and values. The village is opened to the public for a week in December, during the time of the Hornbill festival. The village is like an open-air museum of Naga culture and traditions. It is a concerted effort on part of the Nagaland administration to revive and conserve the erstwhile tribal culture of the Naga people who have lived on these lands for millennia.

Location: Kohima.
Best Time To Visit: Winters.
Famous for: Shiirho View Point, World War 2 museum Kisama, Puliebadze, Jotsoma, Kohima.

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